The Valmont property is located in the Boisbuisson, Christie Duchesnay and The Potardière townships (S.N.R.C 22G/01) some 120 km west of the town of Gaspé. It consists of 52 cells and a mining lease (the old Candego mine) totalling 2 912.19 ha, located 16 km south of the Marsoui village.

In 2012, a compilation of all geochemical data, from 1983 to 2011 show the existence of numerous gold and polymetallic (Cu, Zn, Pb, Au, Ag) anomalies on the property. During the fall of 2011, a prospection campaign focused on these anomalies which show several prospective targets which was not followed by other works. As the property is not entirely covered by soil geochemistry, this kind of survey seems to be the best tool for exploring that property. This report recommends completing this all over the property and made the following-up by trenching the anomalous prospects of 2011. Matamec is in the process of evaluating the whole property. Since 2004, Matamec has spent a total of $445,000 in acquisition and exploration costs for 100% ownership of the property.